A Bio Safety Cabinet, which is simply referred to as a BSC, is a very specific type of working space. It works to protect the scientists when they are handling hazardous or noxious materials. They are used to create a sterile environment for anyone that has to perform research or testing where contamination is an issue. Gao Sheng Da Precision Machinery is a manufacturer of high quality Bio Safety Cabinet. These خزائن تخزين المواد الكيميائية الخطرة can be used in lots of other places too, such as clinics, medical laboratories and pharmaceutical companies.
The Bio Safety Cabinets is essential in its role to aid the prevention of infection, Bio Safety Cabinets prevent the spread of germs and other harmful materials. Gao Sheng Da Precision Machinery micromanages their work environment when they use it; when researchers don't work within the BSC, they risk getting sick or injured by the substances they are studying. This is particularly important if they are handling infectious diseases or chemicals that could poison someone. The primary function of an Biological Safety Cabinet is to provide the user with a sphere of protection. This barrier reduces the risk of exposure to dangerous substances as well as keeps the outside of the cabinet clean and safe.
Used for low-risk research Class I Bio Safety Cabinets They are intended for researchers who are working with materials that are unlikely to cause severe illness in people. These cabinets منتج function by contaminating the air that the researcher breathes, pulling it into the cabinet where it can circulate and be removed by filters. This inward airflow is crucial for the safety of researchers when they are performing their jobs.
Class II Bio Safety Cabinets are used for moderate to high-risk materials. They are especially helpful when researchers need to handle materials that need to be contained to protect everyone involved. The Class II (A2) is the most widely used type of this cabinet. There is a special fan that suck air in from the front of the cabinet. This air is filtered and there is a clean airflow directed to user. This not only safeguards the user but also limits the likelihood of the samples being contaminated.
Class III Bio Safety Cabinet, are the highest form of BSC. These are for ultra-high risk situations, such as when researchers operate with some of the most dangerous microorganisms or viruses. They function as sealed glove boxes through which researchers can manipulate samples without actual contact. That means that researchers can safely manipulate extremely dangerous materials while being fully isolated from them. These Class III الخزائن allow researchers to perform work without being exposed to hazardous substances.
Bio Safety Cabinets are equipped with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters. These filters are responsible for ensuring the work area's air is clean and does not contain harmful particles. HEPA filters are extremely powerful and can catch small particles as small as 0.3 micrometers. That means they can capture airborne bacteria, viruses and other harmful particles that could be dangerous to people who work in the lab. HEPA filters for BSC provide a continuous air flow of clean air, minimizing the spread of hazardous material in the work area. The directed airflow from the filters also protects the samples that are being worked on because it means outside factors (drafts and contaminants) cannot get in.
Gao Sheng Da Precision Machinery Biological Safety Cabinets not only provides safety to laboratory workers for handling any harmful material but it also ensures the safety of the whole workplace by not exposing other people to hazards. These cabinets offer an airtight environment keeping the chance of spreading contaminants very low; they also lower the chances of transmitting diseases. Bio Safety Cabinet filters allow lab personnel to visualize any possible hazards in the laboratory environment to prevent damage before it progresses to accidental harm. These cabinets aid laboratory personnel in easily identifying any potential hazards while keeping the work area clean through organization.
نحن فخورون بامتلاك مصنعنا ومركز البحث والتطوير الخاص بنا، ونتخصص في صناعة خزائن الأمان. يبلغ الإنتاج السنوي أكثر من 10000 مجموعة من خزائن الأجهزة الكهربائية.
شركة Yantai Gaoshengda Precision Machinery هي شركة رائدة في تصنيع وتصدير صناديق المعدات الكهربائية، ولديها أكثر من 18 عامًا من الخبرة في هذه الصناعة. تشمل منتجاتنا الرئيسية خزائن البطاريات المقاومة للانفجار، وخزانات الشحن الذكية، وصناديق التلفزيون الخارجية، وخزانات الأسلحة، والخزنات، وما إلى ذلك.
تتجاوز عائدات التصدير السنوية لدينا ملايين الدولارات. نحن نقدم خدمات مخصصة ونوفر رسومات أولية لتأكيد العميل، مما يوفر للعملاء الوقت وتكاليف الهندسة.
بيع لأكثر من 30 دولة ومنطقة حول العالم، وخدمة الشركات الكبيرة مثل Foxconn، والموردين لتجار الجملة في أمازون. قطع بالليزر الدقيق، وثني CNC، واللحام، والتلميع، وطلاء المسحوق، والاختبار من قبل مشغلين ذوي خبرة وآلات دقيقة.